Stories from Nicaragua - Cristina
Remember Cristina?
My family started a mission in Nicaragua called, World Missions Outreach. My grandparents moved there when I was 12 years old.
I knew that being involved in missions would always be a part of my life, but I didn't realize it would become my life!
I am not the World Missions Outreach missions director!
on one of my trips, I met a young girl named Cristina.
When I met Cristina, she was the little girl that had a severely infected eye from being hit in the head with a baseball bat. She was at risk of losing her eye sight if she did not get the medical supplies she needed to fight off the infection.
We at World Missions Outreach got her the supplies she needed to fully heal her injuries and keep her sight!

Cristina the first time I met her. I gave her my sunglasses to wear whenever she was feeling self-conscious about her eye.
Cristina's eye after she was accidentally hit in the head with a baseball bat.
Cristina getting the medical supplies she needed to fight the infection in her eye.

The little girl I met that was quietly sobbing in the back of the crowd many years ago, isn't so little anymore! She has gown up so much and without any trace of injury!
Cristina impacted my life greatly and I will never forget the moment I saw her. She did not want anyone to see her face. She was so embarrassed and ashamed because she
'didn't feel pretty or good enough'.
Isn't that crazy. We put so much of our self worth into what our external shell looks like. It's human. We all do it.

Even though She barely remembers me or the accident; I will never forget her! She reminded me that no matter what we look like on the outside, it will never be enough to measure our true self worth.
Beauty fades, but who you are as a person only continues to grow and develop. Don't let yourself be defined by your appearance.
Never be ashamed of letting who you are be your most beautiful trait.