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Meet Elizabeth

Updated: May 23, 2019

Amanda Sowards Humanitarian of the Year in Nicaragua

This is Elizabeth. She is in the 2nd grade at our school in #Nicaragua World Missions Outreach. I sponsor Elizabeth so she can receive an education, clean water, daily meals, medical supplies, shoes, clothes and more. This scholarship per say, is a way to create a culture of self-sustainability. See, we love to give and provide assistance when it's needed, but we also want to change the way people look at giving. By giving these students a chance to learn and receive an education of core fundamental courses & trade skill classes such as agriculture, woodwork, English, computer tech and others; we are giving them a chance at a different future. This isn't just a one time hand out that you will never know or actually see it make a change. This is a way that we can truly give longevity to combating childhood hunger and end the generational cycle of poverty. You can actually see and measure the growth, development and DIFFERENCE your contribution makes. How is that? Through the 15 years of #WMO our schools have produced teachers, lawyers, doctors, translators, hospitality managers and many other professions. For almost all of these students, they are the first of their family to complete high school and graduate. This is the most authentic way of how we can measure the difference you make! I hope you will consider joining the revolution of this new movement to help the way we think of giving and change a life of a student forever! Check out the Sponsor a Child' link at the top of WMOC.ORG to sign up. It is $30 bucks. Most of you spend more than that on coffee per month. Coffee is great, but changing the future is pretty incredible too!


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